NFL Bans Medical Marijuana

NFL Bans Medical Marijuana

Jul. 5, 2016 by

The NFL bans medical marijuana as part of their drug policy.  If you are not familiar with the NFL or National Football League and what happens to players, please take some time and watch just a few minutes of a

CO Studies Pregnant Marijuana Using Women

CO Studies Pregnant Marijuana Using Women

Jun. 15, 2016 by

Can I smoke weed when I’m pregnant or breastfeeding?  This is an issue studied by Colorado Department of Public Health and Environment.  CO Studies Pregnant Marijuana Using Women as well as breastfeeding women using marijuana.  The study was recently completed

Israeli Medical Marijuana Study

Israeli Medical Marijuana Study

Jun. 7, 2016 by

Shalom!  An Israeli Medical Marijuana Study in Israel is nothing new to the tiny country who is quite advanced in medical research and technology.  It has been over 10 years that Medical Marijuana has been legal in Israel and over 20 thousand